CSIM: CbHHOuINeuron Class Reference

CbHHOuINeuron Class Reference

#include <cbhhouineuron.h>

Inheritance diagram for CbHHOuINeuron:

CbNeuron SpikingNeuron MembranePatch Neuron MembranePatchSimple Forceable SynapseTarget Advancable csimClass List of all members.

Detailed Description

A single compartment neuron with an arbitrary number of channels, current supplying synapses and spike template.


Public Attributes

  • double ge
    exc and inh conductances (noise) [readwrite; units=S;]
  • double ge0
    exc and inh mean conductances (noise) [readwrite; units=S;]
  • double tau_e
    time constants and std for exc and inh conductances (noise) [readwrite; units=S;]
  • double Ee
    Reversal potential for exc and inh currents (noise) [readwrite; units=V;].

Protected Attributes

Private Attributes

  • double Ae
    constant for Ornstein Uhlenbeck process [hidden;]


(C) 2003, Thomas Natschläger last modified 07/10/2006