============================================================================ HOWTO: Installation of software packages needed to build PCSIM under LINUX ============================================================================ Linux distributions have most of the necessary software packages in their package repositories, or for some there are binary packages (rpm or dpkg) on the home page site of the software. If possible, for the sake of simplicity of the installation process, the user should prefer installing these binary packages, instead of compiling them from the source release. This HOWTO explains how to compile and install each package from its source release. For each package, it is explained how to install it: - on a install location specified by the user (by specifying an install location) - or to a standard location chosen by the software installer (usu. /usr or /usr/local) 0) Install Python >= 2.4 ----------------- NOTE: Most linux distributions have python included in the default installation. We recommend using the default python version installed on the machine. See http://www.python.org/download/ for information on how to install python. 1) Install CMake ---------------- See http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Download.html for information on this with bash: ------------ export CMAKE_VERSION=2.4.3 cd $CMAKEINSTALLPATH (e.g. /usr/local) tar xzf cmake-${CMAKE_VERSION}-Linux-i386.tar.gz Add $CMAKEINSTALLPATH/bin to the path (this should be also in your profile): export PATH=$CMAKEINSTALLPATH/bin:${PATH} 2) Install doxygen ( >= 1.5.3) ------------------------------ get it from http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/download.html bash ----- If you want to install it to a non-standard location, set env. variable DOXYGEN_HOME to this location. You can omit the --prefix switch in the ./configure command below if installing to a standard location. tar xzf doxygen-1.5.3.src.tar.gz cd doxygen-1.5.3 ./configure --prefix=${DOXYGEN_HOME} make clean make all make install If installing to a non-standard location, then execute (should have this also in your profile file): export PATH=$DOXYGEN_HOME/bin:${PATH} 3) Install BOOST C++ libraries 1.34.1 (newer versions don't work) -------------------------------------- Download boost_1_34_1.tar.gz from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=7586 bash: ------ tar xjf boost_1_34_1.tar.bz2 cd boost_1_34_1 ./configure NOTE: If you have python installed on an unusual place, or want to use a non-standard python installation, then edit the following content and add it to the file user-config.jam in the boost root directory. Replace the section "using python" if there is already such section. More information on this at http://www.boost.org/libs/python/doc/building.html#configuring-boost-build. Most users don't need to do this. # <----begin python config------> using python : # <-- enter before the # the python version (e.g. 2.4 or 2.5) : # <-- enter before the # the fullpath to the python executable you want to use ( e.g. /home/dejan/packages/python2.5/bin/python) : # <-- enter before the # the python directory with the include files, can be left out, it's # automatically deduced from the location of the python executable : # <-- enter here the location of python libraries, can be left out, it's # automatically deduced from the location of the python executable ; # <---- end python config------> If you want to install BOOST to a non-standard location, set env. variable BOOST_HOME to this location. You can omit the --prefix switch if installing to a standard location. Then execute: tools/jam/src/bin.linux/bjam --prefix=${BOOST_HOME} --with-date_time --with-thread --with-python \ toolset=gcc variant=release threading=multi link=shared install If installing to a non-standard location, execute (should have this also in your profile file): export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${BOOST_HOME}/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH 4) Install MPICH2 ----------------- Get it from http://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpich2/downloads/index.php?s=downloads bash: ----- If you want to install mpich2 to a non-standard location, set env. variable MPICH2_HOME to this location. You can omit the --prefix switch in the ./configure command below if installing to a standard location. export MPICH2_VER=1.0.6p1 tar xzf mpich2-${MPICH2_VER}.tar.gz cd mpich2-${MPICH2_VER} ./configure --prefix=${MPICH2_HOME} --enable-sharedlibs=gcc make clean make all make install If installing to a non-standard location, execute (should have this also in your profile file): export PATH=${MPICH2_HOME}/bin:${PATH} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${MPICH2_HOME}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} 5) Install CPPUNIT ------------------ Download cppunit-1.12.1.tar.gz from https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=11795 bash: ----- If you want to install cppunit to a non-standard location, set env. variable CPPUNIT_HOME to this location. You can omit the --prefix switch in ./configure command below if installing to a standard location. export CPPUNIT_VER=1.12.1 tar xzf cppunit-${CPPUNIT_VER}.tar.gz cd cppunit-${CPPUNIT_VER} ./configure --prefix=${CPPUNIT_HOME} --disable-doxygen make clean make all make install If installing to a non-standard location, execute (should have this also in your profile file): export PATH=${CPPUNIT_HOME}/bin:${PATH} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${CPPUNIT_HOME}/lib:${PATH} 6) Install GSL (GNU Scientific Library) ---------------------------------------- Download the file : ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gsl/gsl-1.10.tar.gz bash ----- If you want to install GSL to a non-standard location, set env. variable CPPUNIT_HOME to this location. You can omit the --prefix switch in ./configure command below if installing to a standard location. export GSLVER=1.10 tar xzf gsl-${GSLVER}.tar.gz cd gsl-${GSLVER} ./configure --prefix=${GSL_HOME} make clean make all make install If installing to a non-standard location, then (should have this also in your profile file): export PATH=${GSL_HOME}/bin:${PATH} export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${GSL_HOME}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} 7) Install gccxml (from CVS snapshot) -------------------------------------- bash: ----- If you want to install gccxml to a non-standard location, set env. variable GCCXML_HOME to this location. You can omit the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${GCCXML_HOME} switch in the cmake command below if installing to a standard location. cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@www.gccxml.org:/cvsroot/GCC_XML login cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs@www.gccxml.org:/cvsroot/GCC_XML co gccxml cd gccxml rm -rf build mkdir -p build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=${GCCXML_HOME} .. make install If installing to a non-standard location, then (should have this also in your profile file): export PATH=${GCCXML_HOME}/bin:${PATH} 8) Install pygccxml and Py++ , version = 0.9.5 (newer versions don't work) ---------------------------- get them from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=118209 filenames: pygccxml-0.9.5.zip Py++-0.9.5.zip If you want to install the packages to a non-standard location, set env. variables PYTHON_PACKAGES to this location. You can omit the --prefix switches in the python setup.py command below if installing to a standard location. unzip pygccxml-0.9.5.zip unzip Py++-0.9.5.zip cd pygccxml-0.9.5 python setup.py install --prefix=${PYTHON_PACKAGES} cd .. cd Py++-0.9.5 python setup.py install --prefix=${PYTHON_PACKAGES} If installing to a non-standard location, execute (should have this also in your profile file): export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PACKAGES}:${PYTHONPATH} 9) Install the python packages elementree (necessary only for Python 2.4) ------------------------------------------ Get it from http://www.effbot.org/downloads/#elementtree filename: elementtree-1.2.6-20050316.tar.gz If you want to install the package to a non-standard location, set env. variable PYTHON_PACKAGES to this location. You can omit the --prefix switches in the python setup.py command below if installing to a standard location. tar xzf elementtree-1.2.6-20050316.tar.gz cd elementtree-1.2.6-20050316 python setup.py install --prefix=${PYTHON_PACKAGES} If installing to a non-standard location, execute (should have this also in your profile file): export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PACKAGES}:${PYTHONPATH} 10) Install the xerces-c XML parser libraries -------------------------------------------- - http://xerces.apache.org/xerces-c/ - it's very likely that your linux distribution comes with it anyway (openSUSE 10.3 does) ***************************************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************************************** Again NOTE!!!: Paths to all installed libraries ( boost, mpich2, gsl, cppunit) should be added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH if they are installed on nonstandard locations, so that the PCSIM build system can find them. ***************************************************************************************************** *****************************************************************************************************