Instructions for Linux (bash, Intel Pentium ) --------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************************** 0) Follow all the instructions in HowTo-Install-PCSIM-Dependencies-Linux.txt ********************************************************************************** 1) Run the python setup script in the PCSIM root directory python install --prefix= Without the prefix, pcsim is installed in the standard install location (usually /usr) For other available options and command of the setup script run python --help This script invokes several cmake instances which generate cpp wrapper code, compile the c++ code, create the binaries and install them. The installation creates the following files locally in the PCSIM root directory: ${PCSIM_ROOT_DIR}/bin/pcsim_test pcsim unit tests ( usage: pcsim_test or mpirun -np 4 pcsim_test ) ${PCSIM_ROOT_DIR}/lib/ PCSIM static library ${PCSIM_ROOT_DIR}/lib/ PyPCSIM python module Additionaly, the following files are copied to the chosen installation locations: PCSIM shared library object (copied to /lib) PyPCSIM python extension module (copied to /lib/python2.x/site-packages) To do only local install and skip the copying of the libraries to the install directories, execute: python install -l You can then set the path environment variables to the localy created library files, as explained in step 4. NOTE: Troubleshooting: If the build configuration or the compilations fails because of an improper installation of some of the dependencies, then after resolving the problem with the dependency, before trying the build again, you should remove the old build configuration and compiled files with: python clean This removes all the produced files and directories during the build process, so that you can restart the build from scratch and allow the PCSIM build system to reinitailize and configure the build system properly. 2) Run the tests python test 3) (OPTIONAL) To create the C++ class reference doxygen documentation in the directory documentation/cppclassreference, run: python doc 4) For a complete install be sure you have the environment variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH set to the installation location you chose in the install (where and libraries are copied). If you decided to do only local install, then: You should add the path to and to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PCSIM_ROOT_DIR}/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} and to the PYTHONPATH environment variable export PYTHONPATH=${PCSIM_INSTALL_DIR}/lib:${PYTHONPATH} Put the previous lines to you profile file. If you want to use the extra python package pypcsimplus then execute also export PYTHONPATH=${PCSIM_ROOT_DIR}:${PYTHONPATH} 5) If you want to install also python packages accompanying pcsim (currently only pypcsimplus): python install For other available options and command of the setup script run python --help 4) If your reached this point with all tests passed, you made it!